Our Services

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Our Services

We serve individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities with conditions ranging from simple to complex needs, rare diseases, co-occurring disorders, and many more. We combine our experience and professional skills to deliver the best possible service.

All people have the right to work and contribute to their community meaningfully. We believe disabilities should not hinder the dreams and aspirations of people. We support individuals with intellectual disabilities to engage and participate in community activities fully. At Heart of Gold, individuals have opportunities to participate in various community activities, such as the following but are not limited to:

  • Leisure or recreational activities.
  • Communication activities.
  • Spiritual activities.
  • Cultural activities.
  • Vocational pursuits.
  • Educational and training activities.
  • Development of living skills.
  • Health and wellness promotion.
  • Orientation, mobility, and destination training.
  • Access and utilization of public transportation

Heart of Gold offers:

  1. Community Living group homes.
  2. Supported Living Service
  3. Community Development Service
  4. Personal Supports.
  5. Housing Support Services
  6. Respites care services
  7. Nursing Support Services.
  8. Transportation

Community Living Group Homes

Community Living group homes are provided in a setting that is Community Setting Rule (CSR) compliant. Heart of Gold honors and respects the Home and Community Based (HCBS) rights.

Supported Living Services

Supported Living Support Services enable individuals to live in a house or apartment of his or her choice located where he or she wants to live.

Community Development Services

(CDS) aids the participant to develop and maintain skills related to community membership through engagement in community-based activities with people without disabilities.

Personal Supports

Personal supports programs assist participants in acquiring and building the skills necessary to maximize independence in participants’ homes or communities in which they wish to be involved.

Housing Support Services

It provides time-limited support to help individuals with intellectual disabilities to navigate housing opportunities, address or overcome barriers to housing, and secure and retain their own home.

Transportation Services

Transportation is providing non-medical assistance, training and transport to individual with intellectual disabilities and individual’s family caregiver, so the participant can access community activities.

Respite Care

It is a short-term care intended to provide both individuals with intellectual disabilities, and their family with a break from their daily

Nursing Support Services

Our Nursing Support services focus on health safety and practices which reduce or prevent adverse outcomes.